If we're to take seriously the kind of gymnastic special pleading reasoning that SBF and other apologists are using, we might as well throw logic out the door altogether and naively believe any preposterous claim no matter how contradictory. There's no position that cannot be justified - no matter how ridiculous and contradictory - with the kind of reasoning being employed by apologists. That is a huge red flag suggesting that there's something definitely wrong with their reasoning.
Island Man
JoinedPosts by Island Man
Do Jehovah's Witnesses Accept Evolution?
by jukief inby evolution or by creation?
by evolution or by creation?
"the bible is a myth" and "evolution is true".
disfellowshipped and looking to find someone in the same possition
by whatisgoingonpls inwhere can i find a disfellowshipped wife ;)
Island Man
Don't get a DFd wife. Get a POMO wife or a PIMO wife.
Languages, Dialects, Accents
by LoveUniHateExams injust though i'd start a thread devoted to languages, dialects/sociolects and accents, with the idea being that posters can comment on any language, or dialect or accent of any language, on this thread.. any phrases, expressions or idioms that you find interesting are also welcome.
first, the subject of english accents came up on another thread.. the british isles have many different types of accent (although many of the dialects may be dying out), and if i start to take a closer look, i can't help but see 'patterns' .... in received pronunciation of standard english, the letter r is pronounced initially, between vowels, and after consonants, e.g.
red, arrow, break.
Island Man
I find the Jamaican dialect is interesting. It's actually more English than many realize. Many of the words are actually contracted forms of English words (e.g. "pon" = upon) and there are a few coined words derived from existing English words (e.g. "backer" from back = behind). But to someone not familiar with the Jamaican accent, it can be difficult at first for these English-derived words to be immediately recognized as being such.
Another interesting thing about the Jamaican dialect is that it contains a lot of sayings and proverb-like idioms that do not literally mean what the English equivalent of the vocabulary would suggest. "Wah you deh pon" is literally: "What are you there upon?" but has the actual dynamic equivalent meaning of "What are you doing". So in addition to learning the vocabulary of words you have to learn the vocabulary of certain whole phrases.
Jamaican dialect reminds me of the fictional language Grounder (or Trigedasleng) from the tv show The 100. Both languages have English derived words and both languages involve the use of proverb-like sayings that have semi-literal meanings.
Here's a quick primer on the language:
Do Jehovah's Witnesses Accept Evolution?
by jukief inby evolution or by creation?
by evolution or by creation?
"the bible is a myth" and "evolution is true".
Island Man
I may point out that cofty has often used the argument from incredulity because he cannot believe that a loving God would allow the thousands of deaths caused by the Asian tsunami.
That's not an argument from incredulity. That's an argument from the law of non-contradiction.
If the god of the Bible actually existed it would be an awesome hypocrite, as it would fail to live up to the standard of love that it prescribes for its worshipers:
But whoever has the material possessions of this world and sees his brother in need and yet refuses to show him compassion, in what way does the love of God remain in him? - 1 John 3:17, NWT
The god of the bible sees all who are in need and has the means to relieve their suffering and deprivation - and does nothing to help them! So while the bible says that God is love, reality shows that the god of the bible - if he exists - does not have the love of god in him.
Watchtower Teachings That Don't Make Sense
by Vanderhoven7 inthere are a number of things that don't make sense to me about your religion.
a. blood prohibitions: .
- plasma...when all components of plasma are acceptable to the society.
Island Man
i. Claiming the resurrection to heavenly life already began around 1918, when the Bible clearly indicates it is to happen after the Great Tribulation:
- 1 Corinthians 15:52 indicates this resurrection begins at the sounding of the "last trumpet"
- 1 Thessalonians 4:16 associates "God's trumpet" with the first resurrection.
- Matthew 24:29-31 speaks of a great trumpet sound occurring at the gathering of the anointed after the Great tribulation.
Thus the NT indicates the resurrection begins after the Great Tribulation.
Idiotic Thread On A Cult Site
by FedUpJW inso as is my habit when i need a good laugh at stupid chat forum threads i popped in to the jay double u talk site and happened on this hilarious thread.
of course i have not read the whole thing, it was just too mentally painful to read those nitwits "reasoning"about "music".. why jehovah's witnesses do not use drums.... .
Island Man
Let me guess, the JW reasoning went something like this:
Many pagan cultures make use of drumming during religious ceremonies to invoke spirits or their dead ancestors. Drumming is an integral part of spiritistic religions like voodoo. In view of the foregoing, would it be right for a Christian to incorporate drumming as part of the clean, wholesome music that he uses in his worship of the one true God, Jehovah?
Blood Issue.......something for thought, where is the logic.
by CovertsadJW ini have yet to read about the contradictions in the jw teachings on blood, but i have personally witnessed one.
i am a medical professional and have seen hemopure administered for an active jw who did refuse a blood transfusion.
its not fda approved here, but given in special life saving circumstances.
Island Man
Actually a JW can have human hemoglobin
Yes, I believe this is true. Haemoglobin is actually a secondary blood fraction, according to Watchtower classification of blood products. So JWs can have haemoglobin if their conscience permits it. That particular JW is unaware of this, or his conscience does not permit him to have it, and, he is unaware of the fact that hemopure is basically just the animal version of the same haemoglobin he is refusing.
However, it's rather foolish that red blood cells are banned while haemoglobin - the thing that makes a red blood cell a red blood cell - isn't considered a primary blood fraction and isn't banned. To throw the JWs' alcohol analogy back in their faces in the proper way: It's as foolish as if you went to your doctor and he told you to abstain from alcoholic beverages, but told you that you can have pure ethanol injected in your veins because it's not an alcoholic beverage but a fraction thereof.
Home schooling website / system for JWs
by sir82 inso, apparently, there is an organization which provides structure, curriculum, etc.
for home-schooling of jw kids:.
Island Man
Any time I hear about children being homeschooled I become filled with feelings of pity for them - the same kind of feelings of pity I get when I see emaciated, starving children.
How Many People Here Still Believe In “God”?
by minimus inbecause of this site i realized that there were many people who were active jehovah’s witnesses really didn’t believe in god at all.
i’m curious how many people believe in god?
i’m not interested in debating why you shouldn’t have a belief in a god or should.
Island Man
there were many people who were active Jehovah’s Witnesses really didn’t believe in God at all.
Is that the narrative you're using to soothe your cognitive dissonance in trying to explain how a person could genuinely believe in god at one time and then have a change of mind and no longer believe - by denying they ever believed to begin with? Pathetic!
I genuinely believed in God at one time, feels and all! Having done independent research I no longer believe a god exists. More than that, I'm a little embarrassed that I did believe as an adult, that a god exists, given the complete lack of credible evidence in support of such an extraordinary notion.
New Member Of The Governing Body 24 Jan 2018
by pale.emperor injust seen this announced on reddit:.
ken cook was announced today at morning worship as the new member of the governing body.
i dont recall him from the broadcasts, but he was formally a helper on the writing committee as per https://www.jw.org/en/jehovahs-witnesses/faq/governing-body/.
Island Man
"Correct there was but that article is years old now but it did say that the helpers were from "the other sheep""
But I don't think the article was saying the helpers must be of the other sheep - just that they could be. So we can't use that article to conclude that a person must be of the other sheep if they are/were a helper.